Sunday 3 July 2011

Forum Publishing You Tube video:- Broken Cats and Cowboy hats

Broken cats and cowboy hats

Hi folks.....

Recently your favourite support forum has taken a new venture onboard, "Forum Publishing", the reason being that we have an author in our midst... Most of you will already know him from his posts on "Pacing" "Meditation" and his section on the forum’s "Mind/Body Interaction" board, along with his more light-hearted posts and his silly sense of humour... Yes, you are correct! It’s Roger...

Recently, Roger has rewritten the second edition of his novel, "Broken Cats & Cowboy Hats", which was originally published in paperback in 2000 and which received a very good review on Amazon as well as an excellent Press review – Roger will be happy to send anyone a copy of the press review on request.

The re-written book has recently been republished in Kindle format by "Forum Publishing", and with Agapanthus’ tremendous help in seeking out typos etc, it is now available to download at the very low cost of £1.71p inc VAT, of which the forum will receive 50p, the hope being that enough copies will be sold to provide the forum with much needed funds.

Kindle books are e-books that can be read via free apps on Kindle Reader, iPhone, Mac, iPad, Blackberry, Android and PC – most people will use the free PC app, which provides a great reading experience and, when closed, will re-open on the last page you read.

For those who like to indulge in a captivating, hard and violent "Crime/thriller” with a message, I highly recommend this book, and for anyone who’s intrigued, here is a short blurb -

"While he’s still a baby, Mark Doughty’s family is torn apart by domestic violence. With his abusive father in police custody and his mother institutionalised, Mark is abandoned to an indifferent care system. Only one concerned social worker, Jackie Shannon, attempts to connect with him during a bleak childhood, but her attentions aren’t enough to prevent him from gradually hardening into a man whose only means of communication is through violence and intimidation. Doughty’s frustration with his dead-end life finally culminates in a brutal and unprovoked murder. His arresting officer, DI Jack Hogg, is pleased to see Doughty put away for life. But his worst fears are realised when Mark escapes from custody, obsessed with exacting retribution on the people he feels are responsible for his incarceration."

This will not be the only book published by Forum Publishing, as in the next two or three weeks, another of Roger’s books, "The Naked Emperor", will be released – this one is much lighter than “Broken Cats & Cowboy Hats” reflecting Roger’s silly sense of humour. Details will be sent to all following its release. And hopefully, others will follow that.

So folks, can you help the forum become more financially stable by buying the book? Then, if you like it as much as I do, can you give it a good review on Amazon, tell your friends and family, and link this book to all your favourite social networking sites, such as Twitter or Facebook? If we can set a big enough ball rolling, it will be of tremendous help in keeping your favourite "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Forum" up and running.

Broken Cats & Cowboy Hats



Angeleyes40 xx

Forum Publishing

Hi folks....

Forum Publishing is proud to announce the release of Roger's new book, "The Naked Emperor" and again, with Agapanthus’ tremendous help in seeking out typos etc, it is now available to download at the very low cost of £2.13p inc VAT, of which the forum will receive 50% of any proceeds from the book. I hope that enough copies will be sold to provide the forum with much needed funds.

Whilst "Broken Cats & Cowboy Hats" was a hard hitting novel with a message, "The Naked Emperor" is more lighthearted, guaranteed to bring a smile or three along the way...

This book has the full package, as not only does this book deliver humour, there are also a few touching and thought
provoking moments...


Well here is a short blurb about the book....

"Tired of aggressive, ungrateful customers, hapless motor-cycle repair shop owner, Simon Jones, decides that enough is enough. Encouraged by a newfound ‘gift’, he decides that it’s time to seek a new and better life.

His savvy wife, Hazel, isn’t impressed by his ‘gift’, but agrees that a week’s holiday in Cornwall with the kids, Becky and Ben, and their delinquent golden retriever, Orpheus, would be a good idea, a chance to consider their future.

During the holiday, an incident in a gift shop sparks an entrepreneurial idea, and they return home full of plans to set up a new business.

Initially, the business goes very well but an unanticipated disaster strikes, leading to near bankruptcy.

Desperate for money, Simon has a short spell working in a factory warehouse followed by a longer one as an unsuccessful insurance salesman.

One day he returns home from work, broke and full of despair, to be met by someone from the past, someone who, with the help of the naked emperor syndrome, eventually leads Simon and Hazel to a new life of fame and fortune."

This book is highly recommended as not only has it just been released, there are fantastic reviews on Amazon

Well, what are you waiting for?

For anyone who hasn’t got a reader, this is the answer – click Here to view the free kindle PC app post.

Okay, okay... I hear you telling me to get on with it, now the moment you have all been waiting for, the link to Roger's new book...

The Naked Emperor