Wednesday 13 July 2011

Gluten-free fried chicken

These are very much an occasional treat as they are deep fried and covered in soya flour. I think you would be able to use regular flour if you were not intolerant to gluten, but keep an eye on them in the oil they burn easily. It is nicer than bought fried chicken and contains no nasties such as MSG and if you can afford it you can get good quality chicken that you know has had a reasonably good life.


-= Ingredients =-
* 3 cups vegetable oil
* 4 Chicken Breasts or 8 boneless thighs
* No Egg or EnergE egg replacer for 3 eggs made up with water
* 1/4 cup water

* 2 1/3 cups soy flour
* 2 teaspoons salt
* 1 teaspoon black pepper
* 1 teaspoon garlic powder
* 1 teaspoon mixed herbs seasoning

-= Instructions =-

Preheat oven to Gas mark 6 .

Place a heavy pot over medium-high heat with at least 1-inch of vegetable oil for boneless chicken, until a tiny bnit of the soya breadcrumb mix bubbles when dropped in . (Deep fryers at home are great for this.)

In a medium bowl, mix the EnergE and water to make an eggless wash. In a separate larger bowl, mix all the breading ingredients together.

Season the chicken well with salt and pepper. Dip it first in the breading, then in the egg replacement wash, and then back in the breading again, making sure to coat well on all sides. You end up with lovely stick mucky fingers, but don't worry they wash off.

Pat off any excess breading and then carefully place into hot oil and fry until golden brown and crisp, just a few minutes. Remove and drain on paper towels.

Be very careful not to burn the breading it cooks very quickly. Place in your oven on gas mark 6 until cooked through, roughly about 15- 20 minutes. Check frequently.

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